7 Key Benefits of Fishing in the Era of Social Distancing

Last updated on November 25th, 2021

surf fisherman practicing social distancing

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Stress is at an all-time high for many people around the world as they grapple with the many changes to their social lives that the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic brings with it.

While many people are trying their best to make do with the forced isolation inside their homes and in any activities they conduct outside, some of us have a few secrets we’d like to share with them that might help out during this trying time.

For those who want to break out of the home and maintain social distancing and health safety measures, perhaps they should consider fishing, not only because it is great fun, but also it teaches you many important lessons as well as has a myriad of benefits that will help you specifically during the coronavirus outbreak.

Naturally, you’ll need to check with local authorities first to make sure fishing is permitted in your area. There is a myriad of restrictions out there regarding both fishing and hunting and it is best to make sure you are on the right side of the law before you head out.

How Will Fishing Help You During These Trying Times?

Let us look at seven possible benefits fishing might have for you in this time of social distancing:

 7. Exercise

One of the biggest complaints that people are voicing during this time of isolation is that getting exercise is difficult if not impossible. Not everyone enjoys running, walking, or biking and some jurisdictions won’t even allow that.

Fishing gives you a great option for exercise that anyone can do. It also keeps you away from public spaces and, by its very nature, requires a bit of space between participants. If you’re desperate to get outside and get some fresh air, think about heading out to your local lake, river, or pond for a day of fishing.

 6. Gets You Outside

Maybe you’re not that interested in exercise but you’d like to get outside for a change of pace. Fishing is the perfect excuse for that. You get some time outside, possibly a little bit of vitamin D through exposure to the sunlight, and a broadened perspective on everything.

 5. Reduces Stress

Fishing is not the most high-energy activity. There’s a lot of quiet time and many moments of perfect isolation – even when you are with a friend. Because the sport necessitates being calm and collected – after all, you don’t want to scare away the fish – you can’t help but feel the stresses of life melt away.

 4. Perfect for Social Distancing

Fishing doesn’t require close contact nor does it even have to be a team activity. Solo or as part of a group, fishing is made for social distancing because you can’t have a crowd fishing the same spot and expect any level of success.

Plus, it’s not safe to fish very close to someone else. You could accidentally hook them in the ear while casting a line. Six feet between people is the recommended amount of space for social distancing, and that’s fine by most fishermen.

 3. Improves Mental Focus

Focus is a hard thing to maintain in the modern world. There are so many distractions, after all. Whether it is another email from your boss, another alert on your smartphone, or some other distraction, it’s a rare day when we’re able to just sit back and take it all in.

Fishing might help you do just that, though. You have to pay attention to your line and you have to exercise a level of discipline and control that is somewhat strange for a world filled with technology. You have to rely upon your intuition and embrace the sounds of nature around you. The longer you do this, the better you will become at it, and the more you will be able to focus on other tasks in your life.

 2. Fun and Cost-Effective

Fishing is fun, you knew we’d say that, but you probably didn’t expect us to tell you just how cost-effective it can be as an activity. Whether you have found yourself unable to work because of the current lockdown or you just want to save some money in general, fishing is as cheap as it gets. You need a line and some gear, naturally, but that can be rented or even purchased for a very reasonable amount.

 1. Break Isolation in a Safe Way

The single biggest reason we are advocating for fishing trips during this time of pandemic is that it is one of the few safe ways to break your quarantine and get some time outside. Whether you’re an experienced fisherman, or you’re new to it, there’s no better time than now to get out and cast a line. You get the benefit of some fresh air, a trip to nature, and perhaps even a new skill.

Of course, you’ll want to check your local regulations before you head out for a day of fishing. Some jurisdictions aren’t permitting access to parks, for example, and the state of Washington has banned fishing entirely until May 4th. 

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About Dorado

John Pardal, aka Dorado, is the editor as well as an author for Reel Adventure Fishing. He has fished extensively up and down the U.S. Atlantic coast, throughout much of Florida and a bit of the Caribbean. John loves writing about all aspects of sportfishing and is passionate about conservation and promoting sustainable fishing.

2 thoughts on “7 Key Benefits of Fishing in the Era of Social Distancing

  1. Nelson Fogerty

    It’s helpful that you point out that fishing is a great way to decrease your stress. I’ve been experiencing a lot of stress in my life, so I’m thinking about booking a private fishing charter. I’m going to look for a good fishing charter company in my area to use.

    1. Dorado Post author

      Go for it, Nelson. I think you’ll find there’s nothing more therapeutic than a day on the water fishing!

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