Last updated on September 24th, 2020
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Luring The Largemouth Bass Anytime
The largemouth bass is probably the most popular and sought-after freshwater fish in the North American continent, ranging in its native waters from Canada down to Mexico. They have also been introduced throughout many other parts of the world due to their hardiness and adaptability.
You can distinguish the largemouth bass from the smallmouth bass by a wide jaw that extends past the eyes. They have a deep notch between the two dorsal fins and can average 2 to 8 pounds, even though bigger ones are often caught.
Lakes and rivers are teeming with these ferocious feeders – an angler’s dream. Knowing how to successfully lure the largemouth bass will ensure an enjoyable and rewarding fishing expedition.
Largemouth bass are easy targets once you know their location. It is true; they will eat just about anything that can fit into their mouths – that can include ducks, snakes and anything else they can ambush.
This applies particularly to the pre-spawning and younger largemouth. Whether it is live bait, a surface or swimming lure, be prepared for multiple strikes especially before and after the spawning period.
After this period, the angler needs to be a little more detailed when targeting the largemouth. In summer, they hang out under deep cover and become somewhat opportunistic feeders. Here are some feeding tips for luring the largemouth bass at any time of the year.
- Live bait – Shiners and minnows are excellent for drawing largemouth bass out in the summer months. When these baits are cast next to weed beds expect strikes from even the most sluggish largemouths; it is a temptation they cannot ignore. Even salamanders and crayfish can invite a strike from the most laid-back bass.
- Lures – As the weather cools, surface lures work great for largemouths but warmer weather causes them to hide out in the shallows requiring anglers to work lures deeper into weed beds and structures. Crankbaits, spinnerbaits and rubber worms fished with a slow hand are popular enticements. Other highly effective lures include spoons and a variety of bass plugs.
- Flies – Fly Fishing for largemouth bass requires creativity in your presentation. Yes, chugging a popper near weed beds could most definitely attract a curious bass. However, with a variety of fly styles, the angler can adapt his presentation to align with the mood of the bass. Diving flies and sliders can motivate the most sluggish largemouth bass. Using streamers that mimic natural baitfish or leeches are known to produce excellent results consistently.
- Hangouts and Techniques – All the techniques used for luring the largemouth bass to take that bite means little if you are not fully informed about its cover and structure. Structure refers to the natural geological makeup of the water bottom. The vegetation and a myriad of floating objects on the surface are what make up of the cover.
Largemouth bass love the fact that dense weed beds provide an excellent opportunity for ambushing prey. In lakes or reservoirs, submerged rocks, bushy flats and underwater vegetation are among the prized holding areas for bass.
Fallen trees, submerged logs and bridge pilings are some of the excellent covers and structures found in rivers and other freshwater habitats. Structure cannot be emphasized enough – look for it and you will catch more largemouth!
Tips to Catch More Largemouth
Keep in mind that large bass will usually be found in the deeper waters throughout most of the year. Of course, what is deep can be relative, but where largemouth is concerned ten feet can often be considered deep waters.
Also, remember to keep your lure close to the bottom. That is because that is where you will find them, other than briefly during spawning season in the spring when they are present in shallow waters where topwater bass lures are effective.
Luring the largemouth bass is easy if you can locate their hangouts in all seasons and conditions, and understand their feeding habits and how they satisfy their voracious appetite.